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Antonia Okafor Responds to Students for Campus Carry

Antonia Okafor Students for Concealed Carry

[Ed: Yesterday, Students for Campus Carry issued a press release regarding Antonia Okafor’s involvement in getting a campus carry bill signed into law in Texas. Here is her response.] By Antonia Okafor Those skeptical about my involvement with campus carry in Texas are right. The main credit for SB11 should go to orgs like TSRA, … Read more

Students for Concealed Carry – Okafor Had Nothing to Do With Passing Campus Carry in Texas

Antonia Okafor Texas Campus Carry Students for Campus Carry

Gun rights advocate Antonia Okafor has been claiming credit for getting campus carry passed in Texas. That has Students for Concealed Carry riled up enough to want to finally correct the record with this press release: Antonia Okafor Had Nothing to Do With Passing Texas’ Campus Carry Law AUSTIN, TEXAS – In the two years since … Read more