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Prof’s Prescription for Preventing Mass Shootings: All the Usual Gun ‘Reforms’ Plus Better Journalism

fbi ahmad alissa boulder

Covid-19 is not gone, of course (and neither, technically, is Trump), but both are no longer the only storylines Americans care about. And with the return of mass shootings returns the question that plagued America before the pandemic. How do we prevent these utterly horrific scenes from repeating? On the policy front, we must once again … Read more

Using the Shock Value of School Shootings to Sell Clothes, Solicit Donations

Sandy Hook Promise school shooting video

By Jeff McMillan and Mae Anderson – Associated Press In a breezy back-to-school video spot, angelic children describe their beloved new headphones, sneakers, skateboard. Soon, though, a disturbing reality dawns on the viewer: Those cherished new belongings are merely tools to foil a school shooter stalking the children. And in a fashion show last week, … Read more