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We Have a Tested, Proven Way to Keep Schools and Students Safe…If We Want To

armed teacher training gun school

By Rob Morse It’s bad enough when another broken, narcissistic idiot with a gun kills innocent victims. It’s worse still when the mainstream media gives the murderer — depending on their politics — a multi-million-dollar publicity campaign. Until society and the media dynamic change drastically, we’re left with doing what we can to defend our … Read more

How to Meet New People, Preserve Gun Rights, and Save Lives

Teacher Training Shootings

By Rob Morse While it may be hard to believe for readers here, a lot of people aren’t gun owners. They don’t share a home with someone who owns a firearm. Most people also believe what they’re told in the news. Put those few facts together and you see another reason I’m passionate about arming … Read more

Fennely: I Wont Be Forced To Be a Part of an Armed Teacher Militia

At first, the likelihood of a teacher-militia seemed far-fetched, but educators are so exhausted and bereft that we’re starting to consider almost anything. I’m probably not the only teacher, after viewing images of Uvalde, to Google through tears, “How can I keep my classroom safe?” Now, I’m being targeted by digital advertisements urging me to … Read more

Who Says Teachers and Administrators Should Be Armed? People Who Have Been There, That’s Who

armed teachers guns schools

By Rob Morse Solid facts are rare in the ocean of opinion surrounding arming teachers. Allowing armed defenders in schools is a polarizing issue with plenty of passion on both sides of the question. The legacy news media feed us lots of emotion but relatively little data or informed analysis. I asked the best sources … Read more