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U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas: Don’t Tread On Me, Felipe

“It was inappropriate for President Calderon to lecture Americans on our own state and federal laws. Arizona’s immigration law has been amended to make clear it does not authorize racial profiling by law enforcement. Moreover, the Second Amendment is not a subject open for diplomatic negotiation, with Mexico or any other nation.” Sorry it’s taken us … Read more

Mexican President Felipe Calderon Renews Call for Renewed U.S. Assault Weapons Ban

Well, he has to call for something doesn’t he? Something that pins at least part of the blame on Los Estados Unidos for the drug war that’s claiming tens of thousands of lives south of the border. So the pre-state dinner Mexican Prez continued to chide American for not stopping exportation of the “assault rifles” that Mexican drug cartels use to kill each other (and anyone else they think needs killing). Which is highly ironic, if you think about it. On one hand, Sr. Calderon blames U.S. demand for for the illegal drug trade that’s murdered the rule of law in his country’s northern territories. On the other hand, it’s the U.S. supply of assault weapons that’s fueling the Mexican mayhem. Mind you, to its credit, the Obama administration and Congress are both sticking their fingers in their ears and going “lalalalalalalalala.” Or, as Democratic Representative Eliot Engel (chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere) put it after his cabeza a cabeza meeting with the muy macho Mexican leader . . .

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