After Tampa Bay Rays Declare Support for Everytown, Florida Gov. DeSantis Will Reportedly Veto a Bill Paying for the Team’s Practice Facility

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Apparently the message sent by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis earlier this year wasn’t clear enough. After Disney waded into state politics earlier this year, opposing the Parental Rights in Education Bill that was under consideration. The legislation eventually passed overwhelmingly and was signed into law by DeSantis. In return for Disney’s move into politics, the … Read more

Fabiola: Allowing Armed Self Defense to Stop Rioters and Looting is Fascist

Riots Minneapolis

The way Miami Herald  columnist Fabiola Santiago sees it, rioting, looting and arson are only “minor criminal offenses” that shouldn’t warrant the use of armed self defense by business and home owners. But most telling of all is DeSantis’ call for an expansion of the troublesome and controversial Stand Your Ground Law to allow business … Read more