Full30 Video Platform Announced New Ownership

From Full30.com: Full30 has been fortunate enough to gain new ownership over the past few months, and we thought it was time to release an official statement on the subject for the sake of transparency. As with everything business related, a lot has been happening behind the scenes that could not be openly discussed until … Read more

The Race is On To Be the New, Dominant Gun Video Platform – Quote of the Day

YouTube's Crackdown On Firearms Has Guntubers Launching Their Own Platforms

“We’ve been working very hard every day to save the gun tubing community. Whether it’s us or Gunstreamer or Full30, we really want one of the new websites to come up top … Whoever it is, we’ll be very happy.” – theguntube.com’s Josh Vidana in YouTube’s Crackdown On Firearms Has Guntubers Launching Their Own Platforms [via … Read more

Full30.com: We Don’t Censor Our Gun Video Content Creators

We recently became aware of a malicious rumor spreading around the web regarding censorship at Full30.com. Full30.com does not censor its content creators in any way. Full30.com does not remove videos or add videos for its content creators, only the content creators can add or remove their videos. In the case of the claimed removal of an InRangeTV video … Read more