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Newsom’s First Amendment Hypocrisy: Protecting Rap Lyrics While Demonizing Commercial Speech

Gavin Newsom angry

California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom was quick to sign a law that banned any advertising that could potentially be attractive to youths. Gun ads, he believes, might warp young minds. He is whistling a different tune, though, when it comes to rap lyrics. Turns out, any mention of violence, crime or lawlessness is just fine. … Read more

Not Content With Violating the 2nd Amendment, Gavin Newsom is Now Attacking 1st Amendment Rights

Gavin Newsom angry

By Matt Manda California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new law to ban firearm advertising “attractive to minors” has criminalized First Amendment freedom of speech. It’s not a law protecting children as the governor frames it. “Those who are backing this industry can no longer market to our children. The idea that we even have to … Read more