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Rosella: All Gun Owners Should Be Taxed to Compensate Crime Victims

Gun owners don’t seek counseling, for possessing guns. I’ve never heard of Gun Owners Anonymous, or Killers Are Us. But co-victims of gun violence need emotional support. Maybe we need to introduce a gun tax for Co-Victims Support. You owe us. Your GUN damaged us. There was no blood involved. A co-victim is someone who … Read more

Bland: Let’s Get Creative and Use Confiscatory Taxes to Disincentivize Gun Ownership

Gun safe

The Second Amendment does not bar states and localities from imposing taxes on firearms and ammunition, provided the tax is not so high as to put gun ownership out of the reach of the ordinary consumer, thereby burdening gun ownership and infringing on the rights contemplated by the Second Amendment. Yet there is, or should … Read more