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Polite Chicago Carjacker Becomes Even More Polite As Victim Returns to Put Him At Gunpoint

Chicago Police solve precious few carjackings. Once in a while they will catch bad guys behind the wheel of “jacked rides,” then charge them with Criminal Trespass To Motor Vehicle (CTTV). Why? Because Cook County’s prosecutor Kim Foxx views violent criminals as “victims.” However, earlier this week, CPD got their carjacker. In fact, the only … Read more

Woman Collects a $100,000 Settlement After a Minneapolis Cop Pulled His Gun When He Saw Her Carry Permit

Imagine a police officer pulls you over on a traffic stop, and you have your carry license in your wallet. It happens maybe a million times a year all across America. But this time, while looking for your insurance card in your wallet, the police officer catches a glimpse of your carry permit…and then points … Read more

Speaking of Home Invasions…

There’s a rhythm to the Universe. Seriously. How else to explain that the jury finally returned a verdict in the Trial That Dragged On For 8 Years of Brian Mitchell, the abductor of Elizabeth Smart, at virtually the same time that Oprah Winfrey chose to try and pad her ratings by interviewing Dr. Petit? Both cases involved armed home invasions. Both are headline-grabbing, horrific affairs. But the Elizabeth Smart case bears some review here, too.

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