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It’s Time to Acknowledge the Association of Guns With Violence

handgun shooting range practice pistol training

  In the Politics, Aristotle explains how “heavily armed men” (hoplites) form the foundation of political order. Their violent coercion, even in the form of bloodless potency, overrides both the wealth of shiftless plutocrats and the inheritance claims of the gentry. Americans will recognize the colonial minutemen as our hoplites—not an inconvenient anomaly from America’s past, … Read more

Blumenfeld: Can We Really Be Free If the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed?

Santa Claus gun rifle Christmas

…Holy Smoke Bullet Urns of Stockton, Alabama, has taken quite literally Shylock’s claim in Shakespeare’s 1596 Merchant of Venice: “The pound of flesh which I demand of him is deerely bought, ‘tis mine, and I will have it.” According to the company’s cofounder, Clem Parnell, “You know I’ve thought about this for some time and I … Read more

Malik: The American Idea of Guns and Freedom Is An Elite Right Wing White Male-Driven Myth

Black Women Guns michelle tigner

It was the persistence of gun violence that helped convince Nesrine Malik that certain myths propagated by the right wing were creating an alternate American reality. A London-based columnist for The Guardian, Malik believes the never-ending slaughter is partially a function of corporate and elite interests convincing the public that buying guns is a fight against the “political … Read more

Pro-Second Amendment Feature Film Seeks Indiegogo Support

guns and freedom movie

Documentary producer and director Martin Durkin has launched an Indiegogo fundraiser to finance the production of a film that explains America’s unique relationship with guns including the true, original purpose of the Second Amendment. From the trailer, it appears they’ve assembled an impressive group of contributors for the project. From the Indiegogo page: Recent years … Read more