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Jones: I Can’t Find the Passage in the Bible Allowing People to Run Amuck With Guns

New Covenant school shooting cross

The Bible is a lynchpin of the pro-gun movement. In every corner of our country, purportedly Christian leaders lean into the narrative that bearing arms is a God-given right – one that should not be restricted in any way. So, as our nation reels from yet another mass shooting — this time, a gunman killed … Read more

God and Guns Frequenly Go Together – A Wesleyan University Course Will Examine Why

gun pistol bible religion

By Joseph P. Slaughter, Wesleyan University Uncommon Courses is an occasional series from The Conversation U.S. highlighting unconventional approaches to teaching. Title of course: “God and Guns: the History of Faith and Firearms in America” What prompted the idea for the course? As a religion professor, I’ve come to know many students from other countries … Read more

Jonsson and Robertson: We’re Where We Are Now Because Some Have Sacralized Guns

…Bishop Daniel Flores of the Brownsville Diocese in Texas recently wrote on Twitter that Americans “sacralize death’s instruments, and then are surprised that death uses them.”  The good of the whole community gets left out of the discussion, Bishop Flores told the Catholic website The Pillar, “when we’ve … elevated the individual right beyond proportion. … … Read more

The Truth About Guns and Evil

Boko Haram Nigerian Girls

  by Paul T. McCain Having spent a few years reading The Truth About Guns many articles about the anti-gun philosophy that’s firmly implanted in the minds of many of our fellow Americans, it strikes me that there is one key philosophical debate that’s more important than any other: is there evil and if there is, … Read more