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40% Buy Guns for “Home Protection; 36% for “Personal Protection.” Or Something Like That.

I make that 76 percent of Americans buy a gun or guns for some kind of defensive purpose, according to a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) poll conducted by Harris Interactive. A couple of problems though. First, I think the survey covers the last six months, but it’s not clearly stated. There’s no link to the data, methodology or sample size; I can’t find it on the NSSF’s website and Harris Interactive doesn’t have it on their site, either. Second, the press release (via also claims that “Target shooting (30 percent) and hunting (28 percent) came next.” No math maven I, but I make that 134 percent in total. Overlap, obviously. Which renders the survey a lot less, uh, useful. What were the options respondents didn’t pick? “To help the Tea Party mount an armed insurrection?” The NSSF site is equally unenlightening on matters procedural. So, with enough caveats to satisfy Russian nuclear arms negotiators, here are some of the NSSF’s conclusions:

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