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When It Comes to Coke and Guns, Go Big With Your Lies to Police or Go Home

Here’s one from the “Nice Try Dude” department. A coked-out Hunter Biden wannabe sat in his Henderson, Nevada, condo last Friday and by his own accounts ingested a gram of cocaine (that was in addition to the three grams he said he had ingested earlier in the week) before shooting up the surrounding condo buildings … Read more

Lowest of the Low: ‘Obituary Burglar’ Shot Dead in Henderson, Nevada

funeral coffin via shutterstock

A thug on parole after serving time for drugs, theft, and a dash of child abuse was found in the home of a recently deceased 93-year-old man in Henderson, Nevada. The homeowner’s son found Dylan Gall in the home at 2:00 a.m. and shots were fired. Gall tried to flee after being wounded, but just … Read more