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Maniac Murders Wife with A Rifle: Hillsborough County Coverup?

Maine’s Manchester Union Leader is attempting to hold the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department’s feet to the fire for its failure to remove firearms from a man they were ordered to disarm. On October 20, 2009, the Department arrested Manchester resident Jonathan Charbonneau for nearly strangling his wife to death. “The next day, two Hillsborough County Sheriff’s deputies served him with a restraining order. That order required Charbonneau to turn over all deadly weapons to the deputies. The deputies were supposed to confiscate any weapons right then and there. They didn’t. They left, and Jonathan Charbonneau maintained possession of his hunting rifle. The next day he shot his wife to death with that rifle.” And wounding his father-in-law. And killing himself. “Four days later, Hillsborough County Sheriff James Hardy released a statement saying, ‘I am actively reviewing this agency’s involvement, actions and the circumstances related to the matter involving Jonathan Charbonneau.’ Two months later, Hardy said his review was expanding to include a review of protective orders in general and would be done in a few weeks. Since then? Nothing. The public has not heard a peep out of the sheriff about that incident.” The Leader calls for the Sheriff’s report. Meanwhile, over in Iowa . . .

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