Zinke Announces Appointments to New Hunting and Shooting Sports Conservation Council

Earlier this week, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced the appointment of members to the Hunting and Shooting Sports Conservation Council, which was created on January 9, 2018. Former SEAL Zinke has repeatedly described himself as a “Teddy Roosevelt guy.” However, in contrast to Roosevelt’s conservation efforts, Zinke has been actively rolling back public … Read more

Shot Placement: The Ethical Truth About High-Fence Hunting

Hunting is defined as the determined search for or pursuit of wild animals, so it’s logical that Merriam-Webster defines a hunter as “one that searches for something.” In fact, that phrase resonates for many hunters. We search for our game, we rattle, we call, we wait, and still we often trudge home empty-handed. Hunting takes … Read more

Shot Placement: We Have the (Processed) Meat

Meals in 2018 are a simple process. Pick your poison – fast food, sit-down restaurant, ready-made meals at the grocery store – and you’re golden. Food today comes in outrageously simplistic packages from pre-cut, pre-peeled, pre-packaged apples to sliced-and-diced, single-serving pickles. Whatever you want is available, effort-free. This includes meat, which can be purchased as … Read more

Shot Placement: I’m Offended

Full disclosure: I had something else in mind for this week’s column. But then I went scrolling through the posts on Outside Magazine’s Facebook page and my eye was captured by something enviable (a bull elk). No, it wasn’t in the op-ed hammered out by some guy who boasted of his collection of eight firearms … Read more

Shot Placement: Got Hunting Ethics?

Spike Box Ranch and Hunting Manager Tyler Pounds delivered an impromptu speech/pep talk yesterday as we cruised back to the bunkhouse following a somewhat unsuccessful morning of turkey hunting. It wasn’t that we couldn’t find any turkeys; they were simply the wrong ones. Spring turkey in King County, Texas means toms. If you’re very fortunate … Read more

Shot Placement: Me and My (Hunting) Gang

Kat Ainsworth has joined TTAG as our new hunting editor. This is the first column in her new series, Shot Placement. The inky weight of night was still upon us as we climbed into the pit. Me, with my ever-present mug of coffee – this time purloined from the corner of the lodge’s kitchen – … Read more

Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Home Stretch edition.

So I’m driving around yesterday, all situationally aware and all that, and I get a call from my offspring on her new iPhone. (Santa been belly belly good to her this year, mon.) She tells me that she and her mom are in their car, driving near a Chase Bank branch less than a mile from their (my former) house. And they can’t help but notice the place is surrounded by police. Armed police. And S.W.A.T. guys. In full battle regalia, armed with either AR-15s (at least) or M-16s (I presume police get to go full-auto, right?). My ex wisely decided that the best way to avoid trouble is to not be there when it happens, so she pulls a u-ey and moseys on outta there, taking a different route to home base. This got me to thinking, though, and what I thought does not make for a pretty picture.

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