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Editorial: Firearms Fearmongering for Fun and Profit

I am not an alarmist. Which is probably why I did not pursue a career in broadcast journalism. Oh, sure, I love a great story, and I’m always sensitive to making things as interesting as possible, but I draw the line at sensationalism, yellow journalism, and the School of Making Things Up To Sell Some Papers. Which is why I look at just about any story relating to guns in the mainstream media with a jaundiced eye and a large dose of skepticism. From stories about “assault weapons” to the “tar with the same brush” mentality they use for serial killers and Tea Party members, the MSM does a great job of alarming the public to whatever they’ve deemed to be the Crisis du Jour . . . but a crappy job with telling the truth. In short, they have a tendency towards mendacity, and are far too willing to sell ethics down the river in exchange for a snappy lead. Don’t believe me? Read on, McDuff, and curst be he who first cries “Extra, Extra! Read All About It.”

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