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Why is the Answer to Gun Control’s Failures Always More Gun Control Laws?

aurora henry pratt shooting lawsuit illinois state police

According to Illinois gun control advocates, doing something about massive and pervasive failures in the state’s gun control laws means enacting more, bigger and increasingly restrictive gun control laws. Failure to ensure compliance over so many years has resulted in a now-daunting backlog that would require a coordinated, costly effort to fix. A bill pending … Read more

When the Gun Control Bureaucracy Fails, Gun Owners Pay the Price

illinois gun control fingerprints FOID

Whenever the massive, expensive, inefficient, rights-impinging jobs programs that operate this country’s gun control bureaucracies fail, the solution is always to enact still more restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. So the Illinois State Police’s failure in issuing the Aurora shooter (a felon) a FOID card now means the rest of the state’s gun owners will … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest – A Mercurial Moonbeam, the ATF Loses More Guns and a Win in Illinois

And the hits just keep on coming in California . . . AB 7 – Another Long Gun Prohibition and Camel’s Nose Under the Tent When California Governor Jerry Brown cited the importance of “local control” as a reason for vetoing one of the worst anti-gun bills to reach his desk last month, he got … Read more