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Here’s the UN Gun Grab You Were Looking For

I am amazed but not amused by all the things that the gun rights orgs say that the U.N. do. The much vilified and dead in the water U.N. Small Arms Treaty is not a gun grab. Period. That treaty is aimed at regulating international military sales of small arms. If you want a United Nations gun grab—and what donation-seeking gun rights group doesn’t?—say hello to ISACS.

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More On the U.N. ISACS Gun Grab

Cursor on the pause button boys. And you better be fast. Rico! Background on this nefarious enterprise. Well Skipper, the United Nations’ Small Arms Treaty proposed for 2012 is not a civilian gun grab. Not yet, and probably not in the future. The real threat to civilian gun ownership and, thus, liberty, comes from the … Read more