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Tr0ll Watch: Jimbo banned.

We won’t bother you with the specifics, but suffice it to say that, for his wretched excesses, bigotry, and bile, TTAG has officially banned Jimbo from further comments within our happy little TTAG family. Typically, when we have banned commenters in the past (to be fair, that’s only two times), we’ve done a little research on our offenders, and provided TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia with some details about them. There wasn’t much to go on in Jimbo’s case. In fact, we were unable to find out much about him at all, save the fact that he hails from the Land Down Under. Without an actual photograph, we were at a loss as to how to illustrate Jimbo’s fall from grace. Then our crack team of Photoshop experts went to work, creating this composite sketch of what we suspect Jimbo might actually look like. (Note his bringing a knife to a gun fight. Or site. Classic fail.)

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