Hey Joe! Look North of the Border to Get a Hint of How Badly Gun Confiscation Will Go Here

Joe Biden

By Larry Keane Canada’s gun confiscation plan is getting a chilly reception from America’s northern neighbors. Even the guy Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau put in charge of confiscating more than 2 million firearms from his fellow Canadians is at a loss to explain how it will be done. Apparent President-elect Joe Biden might want … Read more

The Trace: Biden Can Push Gun Control Alone

Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders

The Trace recently ran a piece on how “president-elect Joe Biden” can indeed get his gun control agenda through all on his own. After all, if after the Georgia runoffs the Senate remains locked in a 50-50 split, guess who gets the tie-breaking vote? Vice President Kamala Harris. If after Georgia the Senate swings back … Read more

This is Why Joe Biden’s ‘Shoot Him In The Leg’ Advice Is So Insufferably Stupid

Noted firearms and tactical expert, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., recently drew on his deep reserves of wisdom and experience to advise police officers that they should really just shoot dangerous suspects in the leg, rather than follow their training and aim for center mass in order to stop a threat. As the putative President-elect pronounced back … Read more

Rittenhouse Attorney Says He’ll Sue Biden for Labeling His Client a White Supremacist

Kyle Rittenhouse

Attorney Lin Wood has an impressive record of success suing entities that libel his clients. See what he’s done so far for Nicholas Sandmann as an example. Wood is also busy these days representing Kyle Rittenhouse, defending him against murder and other charges stemming from the August shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin. But that doesn’t mean … Read more

Joe Biden is Baffled by the Second Amendment

Joe Biden Gun Pose

To be fair, there isn’t much that doesn’t baffle ol’ Joe these days. When it overturned California’s 10-round magazine limit last Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit emphasized what Americans commonly do when they exercise their constitutional right to armed self-defense. Joe Biden, by contrast, thinks the relevant question is how … Read more

Biden Solidifies the Democrat Ticket’s Anti-Gun Bona Fides by Picking Kamala Harris as His Running Mate

kamala harris candidate 2020

Joe Biden apparently woke up from his nap this afternoon and remembered that he hadn’t yet named a vice presidential running mate yet. With the Democrat national convention starting on Monday (which Joe won’t be leaving his basement to attend) he just announced that his running mate in the November election will be California Senator … Read more

WaPo Publishes Piece Criticizing Biden’s Gun Control Plan as Punishing Working Class People

Biden angry second amendment

The Washington Post criticizing gun control? The year 2020 really does feel like some kind of alternate universe. But yes, the Post published a piece that lambasted Creepy Uncle Joe’s plan to price gun ownership out of the reach of working class people. Joe “Shotgun” Biden’s plan would, however, ensure that the wealthiest families across … Read more

May 2020: Over 3 Million NICS Background Checks, 1.6 Million Guns Sold

A lot of people thought Barack Obama earned the title of America’s best gun salesman. No more. Democrats, foaming at the mouth with chronic TDS, demanding more gun control and promising confiscations, along with a pandemic and, at the end of the month, nationwide rioting and looting, have caused gun sales to spike in May … Read more

More Biden Self-Defense Advice: A Knife-Wielding Assailant is ‘Unarmed’; Cops Should Shoot For the Leg

creepy joe biden

Pity poor Joe Biden. Every day he’s out in public makes him a convenient punchline for more jokes about diminished mental capacity and inappropriate touching of women and children. Yesterday he paused in a Delaware church to dispense more of his invaluable personal defense advice for America’s police officers who are currently occupied, trying to … Read more

Biden’s Fueling Gun Sales by Backing Fund to Bail Out Rioters

joe biden mask

The Second Amendment Foundation today said the support Democrat Joe Biden’s staff is showing to violent protesters in Minneapolis by donating to a bail fund is an “outrage,” and it demonstrates why alarmed Americans are buying more guns to protect their homes and businesses. “After all the violence we’ve seen in major cities, Biden’s position … Read more

WHO ‘NEEDS’ AN AR-15? Dallas Store Owner Critically Injured in Savage Beating

Dallas store owner beaten riot

Who needs one of America’s favorite rifles to defend themselves and their families? How about a shop owner in Dallas who tried to defend his business from scores of looters? Unfortunately for the merchant, he didn’t have a gun and the feral mob swarmed him. He confronted them with a sword. They beat and stoned … Read more

Democratic Party’s ‘Defeat Disinfo’ Trolls Coming to TTAG?

trolls sock puppets bigstock

The left in America has a problem. The mainstream media (MSM) has lost its monopoly on news and information for the American people. And now, firms are “hiring small armies of social-media mercenaries to do battle for Democrats.” Does this mean more paid gun rights foes and self-defense hating trolls commenting at TTAG as we … Read more