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Federal Judge Ridicules Gun Rights Advocates

Before joining the Huffington Post as a columnist, Judge H. Lee Sarokin served in federal court for 20 years. To say Sarokin was a bit of a left-leaning activist judge—one of the six judges identified as such by presidential candidate Bob Dole—would be like saying that Imelda Marcos had a nice shoe collection. Most famously, Sarokin overturned the murder conviction of former boxer Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, after Bob Dylan, Denzel Washington and other liberal crusaders exploited championed his “cause.” Well, fair enough. But who knew that the 82-year-old Sarokin was such a nasty bastard? In an article entitled A Mythical Interview About Guns at Starbucks, Haddison uses the interview format to combine condescension, ignorance and prejudice to pen a putrid polemic. For one thing, the Garden State native presupposes that gun supporters are a bunch of stupid, homicidal rednecks . . .

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