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Justice Stevens Doesn’t Regret Heller, He Regrets the Second Amendment

justice stevens heller second amendment 2nd

By Larry Keane Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is starting to sound like a jilted suitor whose “promposal” was flatly rejected. We get it. We’ve all been dumped. Most of us, though, learned and moved on. Not him. He’s making the rounds with sympathetic news outlets like Time and Washington Post to grumble of lost loves. At … Read more

John Paul Stevens: ‘There’s No Need for All the Guns We Have in the Country’

Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens reminds me of a feral cat who just won’t go away. From the Washington Post: …But one particular loss lingers and, Stevens says, brings grim reminders almost weekly: the court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the Second Amendment protects a right to individual … Read more

The Real Problem With Justice Stevens’ Op-Ed (And It’s Not That He Wants to Take Our Guns)

Reader Gilbert Ambler writes . . . Retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens recently wrote a New York Times op-ed where he advocated for the repeal of the Second Amendment. This is a troubling, not only because of the position he advocated, but also because it signals that Justice Stevens knew his prior position on the … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Democrats Overreach, 2A Popularity and When to Bring Up Guns

How calls for a Second Amendment repeal could easily backfire for gun control advocates – The Dems biggest weakness is their tendency to overreach . . . It’s not just that repealing the Second Amendment is impossible and unnecessary, though. Suggesting that we repeal the Second Amendment also gives significant fodder to those who claim … Read more

Would Trying to Repeal the 2A Result in Violence? Question of the Day

Yesterday, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, after gazing deeply into the emanations and penumbras of his gun-grabbing soul, published an op-ed in the New York Times advocating the repeal of the Second Amendment (he’s not the first to express that wish on those pages). As commenter Charlie wrote about the Justice’s display of candor, Possibly … Read more