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Kamala Harris is Too Ignorant About the Nation’s Gun Laws to be President

kamala harris gun control 2020 democrat primary

California’s Democrat Senator Kamala Harris started out as a deputy district attorney in Oakland. In a job like that, she no doubt dealt with a lot of firearms-related crimes and prosecutions. She was then elected to the lofty post of Attorney General of the Golden State. That’s the state with the strictest gun laws in … Read more

Ill-Informed Kamala Harris’ Race to the Anti-Gun Left

kamala harris gun control left anti-gun

By Larry Keane As the gun debate’s presence in the national media and social media has grown over the past several years, it has become increasingly clear that many of the prominent lawmakers calling for increased gun control are either unwilling or unable to do their homework on what laws and regulations already exist. U.S. … Read more