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Brown: It’s Time for the LaPierre Faction at the NRA to Resign

Marion Hammer

Dr. Michael Brown probably didn’t have much expectation of getting any kind of response from Marion Hammer when he published the open letter linked below. He was wrong, though. She responded by, in effect, blaming so-called progressives and gun grabbers for the NRA’s extensive problems. It is painfully obvious that the NRA’s odd organizational structure … Read more

LaPierre Refuses to Step Down After NRA Board Members Ask for His Resignation

NRA wayne lapierre

President Trump is in Indianapolis today to address a National Rifle Association meeting for the third consecutive year. He tweeted out support for the gun rights organization before he left DC. Heading to Indianapolis to speak at the big NRA Conference. Love being in Indiana. The @NRA is getting stronger & stronger and doing some … Read more