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What’s Wrong With This Picture: LaserLyte CM-MK4 Edition

LaserLyte CM-MK4 (courtesy

The People of the Gun are split on the issue of pistol-mounted lasers. Some gun owners—especially those whose eyesight has gone south—consider them a godsend. Point and shoot? What’s not to love? As laser manufacturers point out, lasers are also excellent for non-traditional shooting stances (i.e. when you’re flat on your ass). I love them for trigger control training. Other POG folk consider pistol-mounted lasers a dangerous distraction. They reckon a laser sighting system could fail when you need it most and reduce marksmanship under pressure (follow the bouncing ball). Yes, there is that. Pressure. Stress. Can a shooter hopped-up on adrenalin using a LaserLyte CM-MK4 identify an array of eight dots to find the center dot while moving? I’ll contact LaserLyte to see if we can arrange a Simunition simulation. Hey, what could possibly go wrong?  [Press release after the jump] . . .

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