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Friends, (Gun) Owners, Countrymen . . . Lend me Your Ears

As I’ve mentioned here before, I was a professional musician long before I was a shooter. I’m also the son, grandson, great-grandson, etc. etc. etc. of musicians. As such, I make a part of my daily bread with my ears. And just like a dancer that needs to protect their legs or a visual artist that needs to protect their eyes, I’m fairly fanatical on protecting my ears. In fact, I carry a pair of hi-tech earplugs with me just about all the time. Unfortunately, last Saturday night, I forgot them. And that was the night I attended the reunion of a local 60s band at a downtown night spot. From 9PM ’til almost 1AM, I was in a relatively small, enclosed space, getting bombarded with loud noises. And the result of my little adventure got me to thinking about shooting and ear protection.

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