Pols Play Fast and Loose With Trump’s Supposed Support of Red Flag Laws

President Donald Trump

A whole lot of The People of The Gun surely seem incensed over reports of President Trump’s support of Extreme Risk Protection Orders. These so-called red flag laws would temporarily deprive an individual of their firearm rights. However, looking closer, Trump’s support of such measures seems over-stated at best. Lindsey Graham, in a piece in … Read more

NSSF Commends U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Federal Firearms Licensee Protection Act of 2019

gun store

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has introduced a bill that would increase penalties for thefts from FFL holders. Yes, stealing gats from the local gun store has always been illegal, but Sen. Graham’s bill would make it even illegal-er. And if that means keeping a thief in jail longer if convicted, so much the better. … Read more

Lindsey Graham: The Government Isn’t Coming to Take Your Guns

FFL protection act s.1788

Actually, Senator Graham, that’s exactly what these laws enable. Supporters of (“red flag”) laws say they can save lives by removing guns from individuals who should not have them. Some states have used the laws to successfully protect individuals from suicide, at least one study shows. Opponents of such laws say they violate the second amendment … Read more

Will Lindsey Graham Hold Senate Hearings on ‘Universal Background Checks’?

FFL protection act s.1788

Does Senator Graham know that “universal background checks” were shown to be utterly ineffective in the gun control utopia of California? Why waste the Senate’s valuable time? Shouldn’t the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body focus its efforts on more important things like the upcoming National Proofreading Day or the fact that March is National Cheerleading Safety … Read more