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BangBang Cinema: The Losers

I have a very personal relationship with The Losers when it comes to TTAG. You could, without a doubt, say that if this movie didn’t exist at this time and place, I would have never come on board to write here. It was several weeks ago when I got a look at the posters for this Vertigo Comics adaptation that my rage-dar (like radar, but you know) went off like a klaxon in my mind. In terms of gun handling and firearms accuracy, the posters were atrocious. I spit some 600 words on the subject and before the imaginary casings didn’t hit the ground, Robert Farago contacted me with an opportunity to merge my two loves: guns and cinema. Fast forward a brief period of time and I’ve not only seen The Losers, but I’ve talked to a few cast members (more on that soon). Did it live up to the failings of the posters or should this ragtag group really be called The Winners?

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