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Marines Punt NATO Ammo for Special Operations Science and Technology (SOST) Rounds

The Marine Corps Times reports that the Corps has stopped supplying troops with ye olde M855 rounds. Marines will now fire Federal Cartridge’s Special Operations Science and Technology (SOST) round. Weighing-in at 62 grains with a lead core and a solid copper shank, the bullet’s a variation of the Federal Trophy Bonded Bear Claw round [above]. The Claw is a big-game hunting bullet “touted for its ability to crush bone.” Which is just as well, really. Critics have long slated the old NATO-standard K318 MOD 0 enhanced 5.56mm bullet’s lack of stopping power and accuracy and muzzle flash. Back in 2002, the Naval Surface Warfare Center cited “shortcomings” in the M855’s performance. In January 25 (of this year), the Navy finally cleared SOST rounds for general use, proclaiming their improved ability to penetrate “intermediate barriers” such as windshields and car doors (handy for Marine checkpoints). Even so, the SOST bullet’s long-term future is uncertain and what’s this? More news about problems with PC lead-free ’rounds?

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