Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey Announces He’ll Vote Against David Chipman

Senator Pat Toomey isn’t exactly “in the pocket of the gun industry” (as hoplophobic harridans like Shannon Watts might describe him). While he’s a Republican, he has bought into the “common sense” gun control argument on a number of occasions. In 2013, he partnered with Joe Manchin in a failed attempt to pass a universal … Read more

Senate Votes 56-43 For Pro-Gun Bill Which Fails. Where’s OUR Rose Garden Sob-Fest?

The Manchin-Toomey amendment failed in the U.S. Senate on April 17th, 2013, with a vote of 54 yeas and 46 nays. The Commander in Chief subsequently gathered the bill’s supporters and summoned the media to the Rose Garden for a vicious tongue-lashing. With a crying Vice President in tow, President Obama blasted the bill’s opponents as anti-democratic obstructionists and excoriated the 60-vote rule as ‘an abuse of procedure’ which must be abolished for the sake of all that we hold sacred. But you probably didn’t hear that a pro-gun bill failed in the U.S. Senate yesterday, drawing 56 yeas and 43 nays. Where is the President’s wrath now? Whither Joe Biden’s bitter tears? . . .

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Two Things That Suck About Manchin-Toomey

No matter who may have been in the room when the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise language was drafted, it’s been met with — to say the least — general skepticism by most on the pro-2A side. That doesn’t mean the amendment doesn’t have some prominent supporters, however. Among them, Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment … Read more