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Indiana Police Tase 10-Year-Old (With Full Incident Reports)

Lucky them. Just kidding. Although I certainly know that 10-year-olds can be to “unruly” what a close-range shotgun blast is to “lethal.” Oops. Got a little violent there (I’m applying fora job with Sarah Palin’s Facebook team). “Martinsville police say the officers were called Tuesday to the home, where they had gone several times on reports that the boy was combative and trying to harm other children and caretakers,” Fox News reports. “The department says that when officers arrived they found the boy out of control, hitting and kicking and refusing to listen to the officers. The department says the officers then used a stun gun and slapped the boy [note: in the reverse order]. Assistant Police Chief Dan Riffel says the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department will conduct a complete investigation.” We contacted the Martinsville Police after this morning’s press conference. They faxed us a statement (IN ALL CAPS) and the incident reports. Download the pdf here. Bottom line: things got out of control after an epithet was uttered. I’ve transcribed the relevant part of the “investigation narrative” after the jump.

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