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After Giving Up Hunting, Prince Harry Has Now Sold His 2 Handmade Purdey Guns

Prince Harry guns Meghan

First Prince Harry’s American wife made him swear off hunting. Because Bambi or something. Now, in the style of Sean Penn, the self-exiled prince has dumped his handmade English guns, too. A fellow hunter bought the pair of prized Purdey firearms, thought to be worth at least £50,000, in a private deal. Harry learnt to … Read more

Prince Harry to Stop Hunting, Shooting to Please His SJW Wife

Prince Harry

Britain’s Prince Harry chose to marry a dyed in the wool social justice warrior in actress Meghan Markle. After their marriage and the birth of their first child, she convinced him to relinquish his life as a royal. Now with the couple in Los Angeles, it looks like he’ll be giving up hunting and shooting … Read more

Random Thoughts About The Royal Wedding and Gun Rights

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, so happy! (courtesy

England’s Prince Harry is marrying American actress Meghan Markle. I reckon now’s a good time to give the royal couple a proper American middle-finger salute. And to thank our lucky stars that our Founding Fathers dumped the English monarchy in favor of a constitutional republic. Strangely, the American media don’t share my antipathy to royal … Read more