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John R. Lott, Jr: Calderon’s False Statements On Guns

In an editorial for Investors Business Daily, “More Guns, Less Crime” author John R. Lott, Jr. responds to Mexican President Felipe Calerdon’s ridiculous and insulting comments regarding Arizona’s new illegal alien law. Some of Lott’s arguments bear consideration. {Ed: All Americans have the right to bear consideration.] For example, Lott points out that the “real” military weapons (as opposed to military “style” assault rifles) the drug lords are using are already banned in America. As always, the academician (Lott) pummels misleading pro-gun control statements with facts. Facts. And more facts.

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Mexican President Felipe Calderon Blames Assault Rifle Imports on Congressional Lobbyists Gun talk: starts at 3:08. El Presidente blames Washington lobbyists: 5:05. And that would be . . . the NRA? Gun makers? Corruption, eh? Mind you, the American kettle folk would like to remind Sr. Calderon that that’s an awfully black pot you got those Felipe.

Mexican President Calderon: U.S. Should Crackdown on Drugs, Guns

So what’re we doing now, making chopped liver? Seriously. How can Mexican President Felipe Calderon call for “more cooperation” between the Yankees and their neighbors to the south to combat the drug trade and gun running when the U.S. is spending a $1.3 billion program launched in 2008 to help Mexico and Central America fight drug cartels? Not to mention the fact that our efforts are running into a brick wall of Mexican corruption. First, the BS [via]: “Calderon said that 10,000 gun shops operate in the U.S. near the border with Mexico and that 80 percent of weapons seized in Mexico in a sampling made a year and a half ago were illegally imported into Mexico from the U.S.” Ten thousand? According to The Violence Policy Center (of all people), America boasted (my word) 50,630 federally licensed gun dealers in 2007. So one-fifth of all U.S. gun dealers are engage in illegal cross-border gun running? That hardly seems likely. Don’t ask, don’t tell U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . . .

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