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VICE News Smears Armslist Claiming the Online Service Arms Mexican Cartels


How is it possible to write an article about America-sourced guns used by Mexican cartels without mentioning the Mexican military? It’s not…unless your aim is to smear a US online service that connects gun buyers and sellers. VICE News can’t stand the fact that there’s a legal online service that does what platforms like Facebook … Read more

The New York Times Cherry-Picked Data to Support a Story on the Mexican Government Lawsuit

Mixican drug cartel seized guns firearms

By Lee Williams The New York Times has seized upon a lawsuit filed by the Mexican government against six American firearms manufacturers – which even the newspaper’s own experts admit is frivolous – as if it’s a holy writ, in order to add their political support to the Biden-Harris Administration’s calls for increased gun control. … Read more

Mexican Drug Cartels Run Roughshod Over Disarmed Civilians and Ineffective Local Governments

Villa Union 5

While millions of Americans enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend holiday, the Mexican drug cartels invaded and shot up a small town in a “safe” Mexican state. In the end, twenty-two people died in the violence, including two innocent civilians and four police officers. Plenty more suffered bullet wounds. The mystery here is…how can this kind of … Read more