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Minorities, Hardest Hit by Urban Crime, Confound the Media and Gun Control Orgs by Continuing to Buy Firearms

Valerie Rupert black women guns

Policy makers are confounded. A recent report by The Hill showed that African Americans are the most directly impacted by what they call “gun violence.” At the same time, firearm purchases by African Americans rose steeply in recent years. Those two facts are not mutually exclusive and are linked in ways that gun control groups … Read more

Old Fat White Guys Have a Lot of New Company in America’s Gun Culture

Black Women Guns

Times, and gun ownership, are a-changing. Much to the chagrin of those who oppose lawful gun ownership, it is becoming increasingly difficult to paint the stereotype of today’s gun owner as pale, male and stale. The firearm industry has always said it: the Second Amendment is colorblind. The right of law-abiding Americans to buy and … Read more