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Sexy (or Sexist) Post of the Week: Hot Shots 2011 Calendar Shoot.

God, I love my job. When I grow up, I wanna be a videographer/talent wrangler/assistant whatever on one of these shoots. Holy Mother of All That Is Guaranteed to Get a Guy’s Attention! Okay. here’s the 411 on this one You got yer hot women. You got guns. You got yer noble cause (in this case, profits go to a charitable org – Help for Heroes – that takes care of wounded troops across the pond). And you got the U.K.’s biggest firearms importer (which either means next-to-nothing, given England’s über-restrictive gun laws, or that you gotta give ’em props for staying in business given the gun climate over there). Result? The 2011 Hot Shots Calendar, and not coincidentally, the “Making Of” video we share with you here. Couple of things of note . . .

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The Problem With Booth Babes

Statistically, a growing number of women are interested in guns. Whether it’s Cowboy action shooting, competitive targets or (more likely) self and home defense, woman are arming themselves in increasing numbers. It’s a relatively small trend leading to a relatively small demographic shift. OI reckon men outnumbered woman at the NRA ConFab by about 10 to 1. Of course, for some reason, Brad’s not counting the genre known as Girls with Guns or Babes with Bullets. More than a few exhibitors, uh, exhibiting tried to capitalize on the fact that guys are hard-wired to notice/pay attention to/likelooking at attractive women. The trade show industry has a number of terms for their licentious lures (mine): “Eye Candy,” “Booth Bunnies” and “Booth Bimbos.” You see, the problem with said Eye Candy is that, whilst they are lovely to look at, they are also a distraction (and sometimes a big one) from the task at hand…and (we imagine) frequently a source of frustration/irritation/aggravation for other women – both ones in the industry and those attending the show.

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Brad Kozak is Trigger Happy

If you’re a regular TTAG reader, you might have noticed my post yesterday regarding using sex to sell guns. It’s come to my attention that the combination of hot women and hot guns is not limited to selling firearms. Nope. It’s apparently also used to sell subscriptions to magazines. The fine folks over a … Read more

Sex. Now that I have your attention…

Sex sells. It’s practically the first thing you learn in advertising courses in college. It’s one of the things that’s wired into our brains at a very low level – safety, food, shelter, and sex. Lots and lots of sex. If you wanna get people’s attention, sex is one, sure-fire way to hit those neurons firing the primitive portion of our craniums. But in the new millennium, using sex to sell things is a particularly tricky.

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