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Jackson County (AL) Teacher Monte Gant Fired for Locked-Up Handgun

As the tide of gun control continues to roll back, the issue of “gun free ” zones looks set to explode. Three days ago, New York Time columnist Gail Collins laced into people who support the idea of allowing guns at bars and, especially, airports. “Sooner or later almost everybody has to fly through the Atlanta airport. Can I see a show of hands on how many would prefer that there not be folks prowling around with loaded guns on their person?” Prowling? Anyway, that’s one side of the debate, where the idea of a civilian carrying a weapon in a crowded pubic place is a complete anathema. On the other side, plenty of gun owners see gun-free zones as killing fields. (A view repeatedly repeated by NRA Board Member Ted Nugent, amongst others.) To prove their theory that gun bans merely offer a target-rich environment for gun-wielding criminals and psychopaths, they point to the same campus-based spree killings that gun control advocates use to support their case. And now, both sides have a flesh-and-blood champion/antagonist: Monte Gant. reports . . .

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