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Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Holiday Edition

It’s been a few days since I’ve posted anything here on TTAG. My apologies, my daughter was in town, and my 12-year-old offspring is a force of nature, and not to be denied when she in for the holidays. But all good things must eventually come to an end (all too soon, if you ask me) and so we made our pilgrimage to Love Field to put her on a plane to Amarillo. But before that, we’d planned to come over a day early to see friends, let her get in a little shopping at her own version of Mecca (Sam Moon Importers, if you must know), and attend a party billed as “Pistols and Pizza,” where a bunch of friends go to a gun range and shoot holes in pieces of paper, then indulge in some really good pizza (Urban Crust, if you must know). Sadly, events conspired against us, and we got outta town late, forcing to miss the range time, and meet up for pizza alone.

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