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Scott Cullather: The NRA is Like Nike

NRA Kavanaugh Nike DiFi Diane Feinstein gun control

“The NRA is like Nike. They are a marketing and PR machine. “The NRA is very clever because their marketing reframes the actual ‘thing’ into something much bigger, broader, and more emotional. It’s about good vs evil. It’s about a particular set of values that are being positioned as being under attack. This isn’t about … Read more

Hogg is Back, Uber Driver Suspended, and Nike’s Unsurprising Move – TTAG Daily Digest

This Group Teaches Kids to Love Guns and U.S. Taxpayers Foot the Bill Interesting methodology… The NRA and CMP are, in some sense, two sides of the same coin. One is hyper-political, the other shuns anything with a whiff of lobbying. One is funded entirely by corporate and civilian gifts, the other largely by government … Read more