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Smith: The NRA Has Won and America Is Stuck in a ‘Doom Loop’ of Gun Buying

NRA Indianapolis 2023

[O]ne would think supporting policies that let Americans carry any type of gun, anywhere, at anytime would be a losing proposition for any politician, much less one who wants to be president. And yet as I listened to Trump — and the parade of equally craven Oval Office hopefuls who preceded him onstage — I … Read more

Despite Internal Turmoil, the NRA Looks Like It’s Winning the Long Game

NRA logo rifle

By Robert Spitzer, State University of New York College at Cortland No observer of contemporary gun politics could fail to notice a jarring disconnect between the two very different trajectories of the gun rights movement today. On the one hand, more states are allowing Americans to carry weapons in public without permits, and the gun-rights … Read more

Random Thoughts About ‘The Gun Lobby’

President Obama has never been our president. I first cottoned onto this fact when he called a bipartisan meeting on his proposed health care law. The President of the United States stood at the lectern and browbeat the Republican politicians gathered at his feet to work out a compromise. I’m not saying that President has any … Read more