New Jersey Moms Demand Action Gun Demonstration Expert Breaks Laws in Two States

Moms Demand Action recently held a Firearms 101 Presentation in the great state of New Jersey. The New Jersey Second Amendment Society helpfully documented some interesting apparent law violations that the Moms’ firearms expert committed during the educational event. It’s almost as if guest speaker Scott Pappalardo wants to go to prison for the rest … Read more

In New York Governor Race, Gun Owners Are Damned If They Do And Damned If They Don’t

Andrew Cuomo vs Marc Molinaro New York Governor Race Candidates

“Cuomo is now doing what an increasing number of candidates around the country are doing — that is, aggressively touting his support for (the SAFE Act) and gun safety measures more generally, and wearing NRA opposition to him as a badge of honor. “The fact that (GOP candidate Marc) Molinaro is not embracing the NRA … Read more

Ammuntion Db Vaporware, a Realistic Drill and Prohibition Creates Opportunities – TTAG Daily Digest

Andrew Cuomo SAFE Act Ammunition Database Vaporware

Cuomo hazy on status of ammo sales database — ‘not a significant aspect’ of SAFE Act New York gun control vaporware . . . …(T)he governor said that he wasn’t aware of the current status of the state’s plan to build a database for ammunition sales, an element of the 2013 SAFE Act that remains … Read more

S&W Model 929 8-Shot Revolver Tells NY SAFE Act To FOAD

There are two definitions of legally diminished capacity in New York State. The first applies to the state’s ammunition magazines, now limited to ten rounds (of which you can only load seven…) The second definition applies to people so stupid or whacked-out on drugs that they can’t be held legally responsible for their own actions. The governor and most of the state assembly fall into this category. Smith & Wesson’s new Model 929 is an eight-shot revolver based on the N-Frame Mode 29. Loading it up with eight rounds of 115-grain jacketed hollow points, it’s a wonderful way for a New Yorker to defend his home, skirt the retarded provisions of the SAFE Act and send a big FU to the ass-clowns who passed it…all at the same time. If only that barrel were a little shorter…

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