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NYPD Sergeant Fires 3 Rounds in a 5 a.m. Bar Fight, Misses All His Intended Targets

It looks like NYPD will have an opening soon. One Queens karaoke bar regular, a New York police sergeant in his day job, involved himself in a dispute with fellow patrons at 5a.m. Monday morning. Seems the men didn’t tip their waitresses and Sgt. Raymond Wong sought to right the wrong as a “white knight.” … Read more

NYPD Will Transition Away From the 12-Pound Trigger Duty Guns They’ve Been Using for a Century

NYPD New York Police gun

The New York Police Department, in its infinite wisdom, has issued the boys in blue GLOCK, SIG and other handguns with a 12-pound trigger pull for the last century or so. The “reasoning” for that making the trigger pull so heavy cuts down on negligent discharges. Apparently adequately training the boys in blue never occurred … Read more