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Biden Issues Call to Congress for More Gun Control Laws on Parkland Shooting Anniversary

Joe Biden

President Grampy McUnity’s handlers have chosen the third anniversary of the Parkland school shooting to issue a call for — you guessed it — more gun control laws. The Bidenharris administration ran on putting sweeping limits on Americans’ Second Amendment rights and so far, they’ve done nothing about it. That hasn’t gone over well with … Read more

Gun Control Advocates and the Media Claim There’s a School Shooting Epidemic. They Lie.

Reader Jeff S. writes: The “gun violence prevention” movement and their media allies are in a frenzy this week to exploit the anniversary of last year’s Parkland Florida tragedy to stir a moral panic against the NRA and gun owners. As the survivors who advocate for gun control get lavish attention, it is helpful to … Read more

Parkland Parent Andrew Pollack Has Targeted Broward Incompetence That Led to His Daughter’s Death

andrew pollack parkland father anniversary

“I’m a changed guy. They killed my daughter. I have to expose these people first before I can get any sort of peace in my life. And I’m doing it. One by one, I’m going to finish these people off.” Those are the words of Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack who was murdered at … Read more

Parkland Commission: Yes, Let’s Arm Qualified Teachers

Parkland Commission: Yes, Let's Arm Qualified Teachers

With the one-year anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School murders approaching, Broward County officials have been considering how to prevent a recurrence. According to the Washington Post, though, it would appear they’re leaving more than a few boxes unchecked: [Kathy Koch, chief spokeswoman for Broward County Public Schools, said] “We are studying the … Read more