Utah Man Shot and Killed After Making Fun of Another Man’s Range Rover

Range Rover

By Brandon Curtis As your mother probably advised, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Also, keep your temper in check. Police say that 42-year-old Patrick Brown had bought a Range Rover recently, and was approached by 39-year-old Darnell Brown (no relation) who made fun of his new purchase. … Read more

Question of the Day: Oh Yeah? You and What Army?!

I get a lot of email. Dunno why. It’s not like I’m askin’ for it. I’ve got a filtering system from the gates of Hell itself, and still I get a lot. Some of it, I even read. I have a friend that likes to forward things. Have I mentioned how much I hate forwarded emails? Not that some aren’t interesting. It’s just that I hate having to deal with the ones that aren’t. Oh, sure, I could just burn ’em before reading. But if I did I would have missed this one. Which made me stop and think – a pretty good trick when I’m on a jihad against junk mail. This one was different. And I think when you read it, you’ll be thinking about the subject too. Not that completely agree with it, but still…see for yourself:

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