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Ohio Gun Law Update Caught in the Crossfire.

Once I received my Concealed Handgun License, I felt as if I could take care of most situations life might throw at me. Except one. As a working musician, I often find myself in situations that are just ripe for trouble, and there’s not a thing I can do about it, namely, being around the back alley of a downtown bar, late at night/early in the morning, loading pricey musical gear without many people around. Can you say “easy target”? Yep. And the irony is, the one place I need to cary the most is the one place I can’t. In Texas (and for that matter, in most states with a conceal carry law on the books) one big cut-out is that you can’t carry in bars and places that get more than 50% of their income from the sale of adult beverages. Even if you don’t drink. Ohio is on the list of states that’s trying to change that. But they’ve hit a snag…

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