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Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Cary, Weekend Edition

Like a large segment of the population, I’m a divorced dad. Not by choice. But one of the things you learn in divorce is that you don’t always have a choice. This weekend was “visitation weekend,” that once- or twice-monthly ritual that single parents go through to see their kids, when they live a-ways away from their children. Because of the distances involved, that means a road trip, with a side order of kid involvement. Bring on the gun education!

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Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 6

Road Trip. Yep. Those immortal words, famously uttered in Animal House bring up all sorts of interesting challenges when applied to situations including guns. This weekend, my daughter comes in for a visit. That’s a Major Big Deal around the Kozak hacienda. I love my kid, and treasure the time I get to spend with her. She’s 12-going-on-22, and is remarkably mature for her age. But she’s still 12. And I’m divorced. Even though my ex is also a shooter, I have to keep in mind the potential for blowback on any decision I make that touches on the safety of our child. And then there’s the 180-mile journey (each way) I have to make to pick her up and drop her off – even though I fly her in. Let me explain…

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Jack Kerouac Can Bite Me.

I’m on the road again, picking up my all-too-distant offspring for her summer vacation. Along the way, I came across this truck stop display. I’ve known a lot of truckers in my time. I’ve never known one of the “knights of the road” to go to work unarmed. While I can imagine a trucker shooting some motel art glass with one of these faux NERF guns for a few hours, pacing back and forth like a caged animal, the gun is clearly targeted at small fry. Having survived multiple extended road trips with my sister, I’ve gotta say that handing a cranky kid anything capable of shooting projectiles from the back seat to the front is just asking for trouble. Which is why it’s catnip to pre-pubescent boys. Moving on . . . 

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