MD’s Gay Marriage Edict Fuels Concealed Carry Fervor

OK, this one’s a bit of a stretch. But I swear I’m not making it up. Start with this: yesterday, Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler issued an opinion stating that Maryland may recognize gay marriages performed in other states. [53 page pdf here]. Setting aside the usual uproar about unconstitutional fiats, columnist Ann Miller then wonders, what about citizens with concealed carry permits from outside the state? Writing for Southern Maryland Online, curmudgeon Ron Miller takes up the newborn media meme. (What’s the bet Rush fools in?) “The right to keep and bear arms stands on much firmer legal footing than the redefinition of marriage, which is currently forbidden in 40 states. Therefore, we should ‘give full faith and credit to the laws of’ the 39 states that have ‘shall-issue’ laws, meaning state officials may not arbitrarily deny a citizen’s concealed-carry application.” Go on . . .

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