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Caliber Matters, Google Tightens and Liberals With Guns – TTAG Daily Digest

Guns Kill People Caliber Lethality

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’ They found that bigger bullets are deadlier than smaller ones? No way! . . . “Our study gets to the heart of the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people; people kill people,’” said Anthony Braga, a Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice at … Read more

Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win ‘Safety On’ and ‘ABCs of Guns’ Books for Kids

They’re just Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ain’t this a bit of an overreaction? Ralph won last week’s contest. This week’s champ will win a set of Yehuda Remer’s excellent books to help teach kids safe gun handling. Enter your best work in the comments by midnight Sunday to be eligible.

‘Safety On’ and ‘ABCs of Guns’ Help Parents Introduce Kids to the Safe Use of Firearms

safety on yehuda remer white feather press

One of the best ways to #resist those who would marginalize, stigmatize and ostracize gun owners it to ensure that there are plenty of young enthusiastic shooters in the pipeline. Teaching kids the fun of the shooting sports ensures that there will be plenty of us to carry on and support gun rights down the … Read more