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Sexy (or Sexist) Post of the Week: Hot Shots 2011 Calendar Shoot.

God, I love my job. When I grow up, I wanna be a videographer/talent wrangler/assistant whatever on one of these shoots. Holy Mother of All That Is Guaranteed to Get a Guy’s Attention! Okay. here’s the 411 on this one You got yer hot women. You got guns. You got yer noble cause (in this case, profits go to a charitable org – Help for Heroes – that takes care of wounded troops across the pond). And you got the U.K.’s biggest firearms importer (which either means next-to-nothing, given England’s über-restrictive gun laws, or that you gotta give ’em props for staying in business given the gun climate over there). Result? The 2011 Hot Shots Calendar, and not coincidentally, the “Making Of” video we share with you here. Couple of things of note . . .

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