Saturday Evening Post: What Would Papa Think of TTAG?

Ernest Hemingway was about the least-contradictory human being to walk the planet. He was what we used to refer to as a “man’s man,” a hard-drinking, hard-living S.O.B. who didn’t care what you thought of him. (On the downside, he was also a clinically depressed alcoholic who took his own life, so there’s some brickbats in there along with the bouquets.) Papa is the archetypical macho man for many of us, the very antitheses of the metrosexual or “sensitive guy” of the seventies. No Alan Alda/worry about his “feminine side” for Hemingway. It’s hard to imagine Hemingway even dealing with the question, in any way other than beating the questioner bloody, then standing over the mangled body and ordering another bottle of hooch.

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Saturday Evening Post: Home Decor Edition

For the man who’s got everything (except of course for taste) comes this innovative design from customizedshowercurtains. Apparently, since they are hand-painted, you can get any design you want. Kinda makes me think of the Al Queda version of Clue – Ahmed in the Shower with an AK-47 for some reason. Or something. All I know is … Read more

Saturday Evening Post: A different kind of shooting.

[HTML1] Photography and Firearms. We load. They load. We shoot. They shoot. We have calibers. They have focal lengths. We have sights. They have viewfinders. We have safaris. They have safaris. We have tripods and bipods. They have tripods and monopods. We have shotguns. They have shotgun mics. Are we so different than they?

Saturday Evening Post: The Artful Dodger (Remo Williams)

I’ve never understood Hollywood. Case in point: The flick from which the clip above is drawn. Now your garden variety 6-year-old yard ape would be more likely to come up with a better title for this flick than Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. I mean, the flippin’ pulp series upon which this movie is based was called The Destroyer, for pity’s sake. What – too macho-sounding? Too obtuse? I don’t know “Remo Williams” doesn’t exactly tell me “this guy’s gonna kick some ass” like “The Punisher” or “Matt Helm” or even my personal fave “Derek Flint.” “Remo Williams” sounds like some guy that sells musical instrument accessories for a living . . .

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Saturday Evening Post: The Green Hornet

Coming later this year, the long-awaited version of the classic show The Green Hornet. Sort of. From the trailer, this looks like another one of those “reimagined” things where Hollywood just can’t be bothered to do what everybody wants to see, and decided to turn it into a vanity project for some semi-talented actor, an overly-indulged director, and a nod to “modern tastes and sensibilities” (read: “fart jokes”). I loved the Green Hornet TV show, back in the 60’s. It was a little campy, but who really cared? It had Bruce Lee playing Kato. This new version seems to be a tailor-made vehicle for Seth Rogen. That’s not good . . .

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Saturday Evening Post: My Father’s Gun

In honor of tomorrow’s celebration of dad-hood (and an acknowledgement and anticipation of all the bad ties, questionable after shaves, and lopsided, handmade ashtrays we fathers will see tomorrow), here’s a recording of Elton John’s “My Father’s Gun.” Given his well-documented preferences, not sure Sir Elton will ever become a father (although I know some … Read more